2024 Marketing Trends

Presented by Adspace®

Hey folks, as we enter 2024 and embrace the new year with fresh perspectives, today's roundup is especially exciting. We're diving into the significant 2023 shift in DTC strategies, moving from direct sales to retail partnerships, exploring the ever-evolving and unpredictable world of AI in marketing, and highlighting key trends to watch out for in marketing agencies in 2024.

Additionally, we'll take a speculative glance at the potential social media exodus projected for 2025 and have a light-hearted look at some holiday marketing blunders. Let's get started on this year's exciting journey in the marketing world! 🌐🚀🎉

In today’s email:

  1. The DTC Retail Tango: Allbirds cozies up to wholesale, while On keeps its direct sales game strong. DTC's no longer just online - it's a hybrid affair.

  2. AI in Marketing: Quirky or Quixotic? DTC brands flirt with AI for content, but results can be…whimsical.

  3. 2024's Marketing Agency Red Flags: Beware of marketing agencies promising the moon, staying mysterious, mumbling, valuing vanity, or selling cookie-cutter strategies.

  4. 2025's Social Media Exodus: Half of social media users might bid adieu due to misinformation and bots.

  5. Holiday marketing bloopers: Pepsi's cinnamon twist, KFC's fragrant logs, and Starbucks' cup controversy. Festive fun or faux pas?


2023: The Year DTC Got Less Direct

2023 threw us a curveball: big DTC names like Allbirds and Casper sidled up to retail partners for a sales boost. 

Allbirds CEO hinted at wholesale being "a key channel" for future growth. But Swiss shoe brand On played a different game, clocking a 54.6% surge in direct sales and planning fewer wholesale partnerships.

The data? It's a mixed bag: On's wholesale and DTC net sales were almost even, each jumping over 57%. Meanwhile, Lovesac reported a 14.3% jump in net sales, thanks to a blend of showrooms and online channels.

So, it's not just about being online anymore. DTC's getting a facelift, blending physical stores with digital charm.

Who said retail was predictable?


AI in Marketing: Creative Genius or Comedy of Errors?

Welcome to the age of AI-generated images in marketing, where we're dancing on the fine line between genius and chaos. These savvy AI tools whip up everything from abstract art to near-photorealistic images faster than you can say "Photoshop". They're reshaping marketing with their efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and innovation. Imagine jazzing up your YouTube channel or ad creatives with AI's creative zest! 

But, hold your horses – it's not all rainbows and unicorns.

Ad Age's Phoebe Bain highlights the misadventures of DTC brands using AI for budget-friendly content creation. Spoiler alert: it's not all smooth sailing. Take Juliet Wine, for instance, whose boxed wine got an AI makeover into a candle. The quest for cheap, fast content meets the unpredictable world of AI, making for some rather... interesting product transformations. 

So, buckle up as we balance innovation with caution in this AI-driven marketing adventure. For the full scoop on these creative conundrums, check out Ad Age's article.


5 Red Flags in Marketing Agencies for 2024

Venturing into the wild world of marketing agencies in 2024? It’s best to arm yourself with a pinch of skepticism. Here are the top 5 red flags to watch out for in an agency:

  1. Guaranteed Results – Yeah, Right: If an agency promises you the moon on a stick overnight, raise an eyebrow. Real results need more than fairy dust and wishful thinking.

  2. Transparency – Or Lack Thereof: When an agency is secretive about its methods and progress, it's time to be suspicious. No one likes a mystery in marketing.

  3. Communication Breakdown: If getting a response from an agency takes longer than watching paint dry, it's a hint they might not be the best at... well, communicating.

  4. Vanity Metrics - Shiny but Shallow: Watch out for agencies that love to show off flashy metrics like social media likes. Go for an agency that measures success in terms your accountant would appreciate.

  5. One-Size-Fits-All Strategy - Snooze Fest: If their strategy is as unique as a white t-shirt, it's time to look elsewhere. Your business deserves more than a copy-paste plan from Marketing 101.

Choose wisely – the right agency is more than just smoke and mirrors.


Navigating the 2025 Social Media Shift

By 2025, social media might get ghosted by 50% of its users. Why? It seems misinformation, keyboard warriors, and an army of bots are about as appealing as expired milk.

What does this mean for digital marketing? It's a wake-up call! Marketers need to rethink customer acquisition and loyalty strategies. It's out with the old (goodbye, fake likes!) and in with the real deal - genuine engagement and trust-building.

Marketers, sharpen your pencils (or keyboards). The digital landscape is evolving faster than your smartphone model. Don't be the one chasing the bandwagon – with Adspace, let's lead the parade.

Stay savvy, stay ahead!



Jingle Fails: Three Holiday Marketing Mishaps

  1. Pepsi's Festive Fumble: Ah, Pepsi Fire. The drink that had us all questioning if cinnamon is the new eggnog. Spoiler: It's not.

  2. KFC's Chicken-Scented Yule Log: Yes, KFC made a fire log that smells like chicken. Because nothing says 'Happy Holidays' like your living room smelling like a fast-food joint. Sometimes, innovation can be a little too... greasy.

  3. Starbucks' Red Cup Rebellion: When Starbucks went minimalist with their cups, it was less 'winter wonderland' and more 'controversial coffee container.' Some customers missed the festive icons, while others saw it as a war on Christmas. The lesson? Even cup designs can stir up a snowstorm!

Here's to learning from these festive facepalms. May your marketing be merry and bright and not a cautionary tale!


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Cheers to a prosperous New Year!


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